Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Making Gifts Instead of Giving Them
Great Job, Kit!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

To live, laugh, and love — that is what Flair's Sincerely Yours Collection is all about. The romance-inspired papers and stickers feature warm, vintage colors with flirty, graphic flourishes. Speaking straight from the heart, this collection is perfect for Valentine’s Day, and every lovely life moment throughout the year! This collection is made up of eight papers and two stickers.
Sincerely Yours begins shipping the first of January and is NOT included the 25% off sale that is going on now. The 25% off sale will end on December 31, 2008.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Tip #342 - 24 Ways ...
courtesy of Bob Negen of Whizbang Training
Dear Tip of the Weeker -
My grandfather, Steve Nibbelink (an old Dutch farmer from Pella, Iowa), always told me, "Bob, when the sun is shining, you gotta make hay."
Read on...
1) Attempt to add-on to every sale. Pick an item or two with high margins and universal appeal. Then get everyone on your staff to ask every single customer if they would like one. This simple act will generate thousands of dollars in sales.
2) Load up on impulse items and display them all over your store. Think stocking stuffers.
3) Sell up. 'Tis the season to be generous, so always show your better quality merchandise.
4) Keep demonstrating. Show, show, show until they say no.
5) Making shopping easier by using as many signs as possible. Good signage is like having an extra salesperson on the floor.
6) Eliminate buying resistance by clearly communicating any and all guarantees your products might have.
7) Offer gift wrapping. It makes the holidays easier for your customers. 8) Get out on the selling floor. Now is the time to lead the charge, and it can't be done from the quiet and comfort of your office.
9) TRAIN AND COACH YOUR STAFF! The time is now. If your staff, including seasonal help, is not well trained and coached you are probably losing thousands of dollars in sales.
10) Keep a close eye on your best sellers. Running out of your most popular items not only costs you sales, it's bad customer service.
11) Always know the status of important orders. If that huge order of your most popular thing-a-ma-bob isn't coming in on time it's going to cost you, and maybe cost you big. Don't take any chances that your best sellers didn't make it to the warehouse in time for this year's holiday season. Be proactive!
12) Increase your store hours. During hay season my grandfather, the farmer, was out in the field at sunup and didn't come in til sundown. There was money-making work to be done!
13) Make shopping FUN. Fun sells, especially during the holidays. It doesn't have to be hard, or fancy. Have a guess the number of candy canes in the big glass bowl contest or something of the sort. Let your imagination run wild; get into the spirit of the season!
14) Have lots of sales games for your employees. Sales games make the season fun for your staff. They also appreciate the chance to make a little extra cash or get merchandise they can use as gifts.
15) Put a spiff on high-margin, high volume items. It's a great way to get your staff selling what you think is important. A spiff is a payment for selling a particular item for instance, $2 for every $150 turbo-charged, turquoise widget sold.
16) Mark down slow moving merchandise on time. It's much easier (and more profitable!) to sell slow movers at 20% off in December, than at 50% off in January.
17) Use bag stuffers. Stuff bags with a schedule of events, a coupon good in January, or an invitation to your winter open house. Get your holiday shoppers back in your store after the holidays are over.
18) Collect names and addresses. Knowing who your customers are allows you to contact and sell to them during the rest of the year.
19) Decorate your store, and the bigger, the better. Get in the holiday spirit and your customers will, too.
20) Make your regular customers feel special because they are! Don't let them get lost in the crowd of holiday shoppers.
21) Wear good shoes.
22) Eat well and drink lots of water. Staying healthy and physically strong is a challenge this time of year. A healthy body will help you be mentally sharp.
23) Get as much sleep as you can... Zzzzzzzzz.
24) Smile. Remember, it's Christmas!
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Have A WhizBang! Holiday Season.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
$5 Kits from Imaginisce

*All kits need to be ordered in case pack quantity listed in PDF. Products come boxed or bagged.
Flair is having a 25% off Sale on Every Order
The end of the year is near, and Flair is having a sale to help make room for all the new products of 2009! Don’t miss this opportunity to buy our latest and greatest collections at a discount. Just purchase any of your favorite Flair products and receive 25% OFF your entire order!
So, hurry and fill your box w/Flair! Order today!
Check our Sale Sectionfor 75% Savings!
The Flair sale section is full of popular products at deep discounts. ALL of our versatile Vellum Quote Books are 75% off — as are select sticker sheets from the All Star Sports Collection, and the Horsin’ Around Collection. Get these great products now before they are gone for good!
Scenic Route Black Friday Sale
2nd Annual Black Friday Sale!
You've heard of Black Friday, right? Who hasn't?!! Black Friday is considered the biggest retail shopping day of the year in the U.S.. It's the day after American Thanksgiving - this Friday - where millions of shoppers hit the stores bright and early in search of great shopping deals.
In spirit of Black Friday, we're excited to announce Scenic Route's own Black Friday!
ALL orders received this Friday, November 28th, between the hours of 12:01 am MST and 11:59 pm MST will receive an unprecedented 20% off the ENTIRE ORDER!
Click here to download an order form. NOTE: the password to the order form is fall08. Email or Fax your orders to Janna or Kristan
Discount may not be combined with any other discount or offer. $100 minimum order. Black Friday orders will be filled beginning Monday, December 1st
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Go the Extra Mile
I had ordered my meal from a pleasant young waitress in a Thai restaurant in Melbourne's Chinatown and was sipping a nice meriot, thinking I had a free hour the next day, which I could use to visit a music store if only I knew where the closest one was located.
The expression on my face must have indicated I was thinking about something because a young waiter walked past, looked at me, did a double-take and approached my table.
"Is everything alright, sir," he asked.
I said it was and asked if they had the Yellow Pages handy. He said they did, so I asked if he could bring it to me. I added I was interested only in the 1M' section so he did not have to lug over both volumes. In a flash he was back, handing me the relevant volume opened.
"Here you are, sir - the "M" section."
Impressed at his attention to detail, I flipped to 'Mu' and started looking through the list of musical instrument stores. The next thing I knew, the young chap was back, offering me a pad and pen.
"I thought you mind find these useful, sir," he said with a smile.
Later, after I had finished my meal, I caught this waiter's attention and called him over to my table. Congratulating him on his excellent customer service, I asked him where he had learned to pay attention to what was going on around him and to use his initiative to do the little things that delighted customers.
"It's just common sense, isn't it sir?" he replied.
I told him such concern for the customer might be common sense to him but it certainly was not common practice.
He smiled. "I was taught to keep my eyes open," he said, "and then do what made sense to me. So that's what I do. I look around and if I see something that requires attention, I do what I think is the best thing to do in that situation."
Imagine if your staff were on the lookout for the little things they could do that would delight your customers! What difference would it make to the experience your customers had? How much would it increase your revenue? And most importantly, how can you get your staff to care enough to be observant and to use their initiative?
Here are six steps for engaging the hearts and minds of your staff so your customers walk away saying, "Wow! That experience was different!"
1. Explain the need.
Nothing motivates more than vested selfinterest. Focus your staff on looking after your customers by regularly asking these three questions:
1. Who do you work for?
2. Who pays your wages?
3. Who is the boss around here?
The answer to all three questions is, of course, THE CUSTOMER. Another point worth making frequently is that 100 percent of your money, the money you use to pay their wages, comes from customers.
2. Set the expectation.
When you hire staff, when you do performance reviews, in fact whenever you are chatting to someone, tell them you expect them to look for small ways they can help the customer, and to deliver that help before the customer asks for it. Explain this also applies to their internal customers. By delighting their colleagues, they will build team spirit, increase morale and make it easier for people to delight their customers.
3. Set an example.
If your staff watched you during the day, what would they conclude was most important? Do they see and hear you talk about doing the minimum necessary or about going the extra mile? Are your conversations driven by can-do, will-do thinking or are you giving reasons why things cannot be done? Your people will take their lead from you. Which signals are you sending?
4. Remove the fear.
One of the biggest obstacles to staff using their initiative is the fear they will get In trouble. Reassure your staff that as long as they stay within the boundaries of company policy, they will not be criticised for doing what makes sense to them at the time. When people do occasionally do something you think is wrong, use it as an opportunity to teach them something about your business and how to look after customers. But first praise them for spotting the opportunity and for using their initiative.
5. Praise.
If you want your staff to use their initiative you will need to make a point of catching them doing it right. Watch your people to find opportunities to praise them for doing those little things that delight. If you cannot find many, they are not using their initiative or you are not observant enough. Either way, there is a problem you need to fix.
6. Hold staff accountable.
Successful people management is based on being 50 percent supportive and 50 percent demanding. Once you have implemented the five previous steps, hold your staff accountable for delivering delighters. Make it clear that simply doing their job is not enough. Delighted customers are the result of doing the unexpected. This is what you are paying them to do.
Getting your staff to do the little things that delight customers will enhance your reputation and grow your business. Research shows that when New Zealanders have a great experience they not only tell nine others, more than 50 percent recommend the business that delighted them. That is why I am suggesting you dine at Sawadee in Chinatown next time you are in Melbourne.
"I was taught to keep my eyes open and then do what made sense to me."
Dr Ian Brooks (wvwv. ianbrooks. com) is a leading expert in customer care and chairman of the NZ Association of Customer Excellence (vwwv. nzace. co.nz).
Copyright Adrenalin Publishing Ltd. Nov 2008
(c) 2008 NZ Business. Provided by ProQuest LLC. All rights Reserved.
Original publication date: 2008-11-01
A service of YellowBrix, Inc.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
New Store in North Phoenix

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
2. She has created a $5.00 cash value coupon that she is passing out to various neighborhoods. Her staff and friends are helping her. I do not remember when the expiration date is but that is immaterial. She knows that a lot of people won't bother but those who do come in will spend more than $5.00 and she has moved product. :)
Try it :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
A Last Minute Seasonal Promotion
Start knocking out those card kits now! No employee should be idle. Fill up slow times with jobs like die-cutting and kit collating. Take it a step further with a friendly competition. Each employee designs a card or two for kitting (approved by you). The limited edition kits that sell out the fastest earn the employee some kind of perk. This is a great way to get kits with different styles, and quick sales will show you which designs strike a chord with your customers.
Friday, October 17, 2008
{Why we scrapbook . . . . }
I wish I knew the people,
I wonder what their lives were like,
If only someone had taken time,
Could this become the fate,
Take time to save your stories,
I know it is still October and we haven't even made it to Halloween yet, but the time is now to make sure everything is set in place for a fabulous November. Make sure your customers don't allow Thanksgiving Day to slip by without documenting all of the events that they will want to remember. Help inspire them to take the time to document one of the most wonderful times of the year. I know in our house it is filled with family, food, football, and fun. Let's focus this month on the things we are thankful for and really document this wonderful time of the year. Create that special end-cap that will focus on family, fall, gratitude and all the things we are thankful for.
- Any new additions to your family?
- Which unexpected struggles have turned into great blessings?
- Which milestones or major events have family members experienced?
- What birthdays, anniversaries or other celebrations have you enjoyed?
- How have you grown emotionally, spiritually, socially and physically?
- How do you feel about that growth?
- What simple everyday pleasures have you enjoyed most—both by yourself and with loved ones?
- Turn a layout into a mini album that showcases the stories of your Thanksgiving recipes and traditions.
- combine photos of preparing the annual Thanksgiving feast with journaling about cooking the meal (especially take note if this is the first time to cook a turkey)
- Cooking a Thanksgiving dinner is quite the undertaking, so snap some shots of the cook as she goes to work. The photos will make a great behind-the-scenes Thanksgiving scrapbook page.
- What about a THANKSGIVING layout without photos: create a page with same-size squares of cardstock that contain notes about what each family member is thankful for.Plan ahead and ask family members to write what they are thankful for on squares of cardstock to preserve their messages in their handwriting.
- Make sure to get photo's of the guests at your Thanksgiving feast.
- Create a layout with photos of the set table combined with smaller shots of your family enjoying their time together.
- captured the details of your family’s Thanksgiving with group photos and detail shots
- Create a scrapbook page that focuses on a single Thanksgiving family tradition—(for instance my boys play in the Turkey Bowl every Thanksgiving morning.
- Combine Thanksgiving photos with handwritten journaling about what your thankful for.
- Don't forget to get pictures of your little ones SCHOOL THANKSGIVING CELEBRATIONS
They are sure to dress up as Pilgrims and Indians and have a special feast at school and learn about the first Thanksgiving. - Food is an important part of every Thanksgiving celebration, so why not scrap it? Create a scrapbook page about your favorite dish. Make sure to include a recipe. Catch a photo of the cook in action preparing the favorite dish.
- Don't forget those little ones first Thanksgiving
- Make sure to take the opportunity to get a photo of extended family and friends when they are all together. Whole-family photos can be hard to come by, so be sure to scrap yours.
Take the time to create special cards for those important people in your life and let them know just how THANKFUL you are for them.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Everything is now in stock and shipping.
Let us know if you would like to add any of these fabulous additions to your inventory
Monday, October 13, 2008
A little more Halloween Inspirtion . . . . and Giveaways
Oh my, the Halloween fun just keeps going - there are soooooo many amazing ideas out there.
Templates: W5009-bold happy halloween, L9530-fancy pumpkinPaper: creamsicle pinstripe, creamsicle solid, limeade solid, lamp post black solidMatte Brads: mangoMisc: black embroidery floss, black pen, double-sided tape, mounting tape
Check out some cute Halloween Ideas using the Die Cuts With A View Halloween Glitter Stack {HERE}
Adorn It always has such cute ideas and projects . . .
{Cute Halloween Treats}

Friday, October 10, 2008
A Little Halloween Inspiration
We R Memory Keepers Black Out Line is blowing off the shelves. If you need more than today is the day to order - FREE SHIPPING on all $500 orders ends tonight. Restock now just in time for the holiday.
Check out this very cool layout I found on the Bo Bunny Blog
And FLAIR has Five Hauntingly Good Ideas!
Check out the FLAIR BLOG {HERE} and see their design team's "Spellbound" creations
What about this cute little paint can Trick or Treat container Layle from Scenic Route designed for the October issue of Paper Crafts magazine using the Salem line.
There are a couple of items that are already sold out…Goosebumps Stickers and the Spooky Stamp. Other than that, everything is in stock and ready to ship.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Deck the halls this season with Scenic Route’s new Garland holiday line! Whether your holidays are filled with cold, snowy days or warm, tropical breezes, Garland’s whimsical colors and patterns are the perfect pick for adding a creative spin to your holiday creations. This mini collection of paper, stickers, chipboard embellishments, stamps and die cuts is the perfect collection for capturing your winter & holiday memories this season.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
15% off Glitz for a Limited Time

Ever had the Glitz Girls at your store? Here they are in Flagstaff last weekend.
If you would be interested in having the Glitz Girls teach at your store, contact us today! Laura@glitzitnow.com we would love to talk to you about getting to your store in the coming months! You can view all of our "Class Info" online click here http://www.glitzitnow.com/glitz-classes.php
Interested in Scheduling a GLITZ class?! Click here!
Check out our GLITZ Blogs for new ideas and fun scrapping projects! http://www.glitzitnow.blogspot.com/http://glitzdesignlaura.blogspot.com/http://glitzdesignginger.blogspot.com/http://glitzdesignerin.blogspot.com/
If you don't have Glitz in your store yet! You need it! Take advantage of our 15% off offer and buy today!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Bo Bunnys Fall Collections 08

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
NEW !!!! Bo Bunny Clearly Mixed Up
Take a look at the new Bo Bunny Clearly Mixed Up Albums.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Hello Heidi Swapp
Take a look at this cute sample display of the CLEAR EXTRAS
You can check out all of Heidi's Stuff {HERE}